When drones were introduced people got amazed of their capabilities and their worldwide use. Drones are able to shoot in full HD and capture amazing aerial footage, 4K resolution and higher, while not sacrificing any quality. DJI is a drone company which keeps advancing with new models such as the “Drone Inspire 2”. This drone is large and gives a very cinematic look. An all-new image processing system records at up to 5.2K in CinemaDNG. This is very important to know because if you plan to become a drone videographer.
Furthermore, a pilot license is needed to fly a drone for business. It is different one flies a drone for recreational purposes. Want to know more about drone regulations across European Union countries? Consult www.dronerules.eu.
I actually own a DJI Mavic Pro and a Parrot Bebop which I fly it for recreation in my spare time. I film for my own amusement and pleasure, of course. My passion for videography and for innovative technologies led me to acquire a drone and learn how to fly it. In Arnhem, where I reside there are different zones where one can fly and areas which are no-fly zones. This interesting map helps you locate where one can fly without breaching the law. Here are guidelines by the Dutch Government one should read when flying a drone for recreational purposes. Due to the presence of a densely populated area and three landing strips at the outskirts of Arnhem, to fly a drone one has to go far away. Therefore, I go to places where there are no restrictions using the above map as a reference. With these restrictions I studied these rules and will avoid any problems. That way I know how a drone works and I can easily fly a drone. When I’m going to do a project and we’re going to film outside, I know exactly how the drone works and how far it can go and where you can and cannot film. As a safeguard, my Mavic Pro has softwares which prevents me to accidentally fly on restricted areas.
I even flew my drone in Italy and I captured some beautiful footage and still images.
Drone technology is advancing fast and the drone market is growing by the day. Drones are becoming part of everyday’s life and are used for a range of purposes, not just for filming.
Every year new models come on the market for both business and recreation. Mounted cameras are increasingly powerful and shoot footage at increasingly higher resolutions offering great opportunities for creativity and passion.